
1. General information
1.1. Issuer’s full business name
Public Joint Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”
1.2. Issuer’s shortened business name
Moscow United Electric Grid Company PJSC;
1.3. Issuer’s location
Moscow, Russian Federation
1.4. Issuer’s General State Registration Number
1.5. Issuer’s Tax ID
1.6. Issuer’s unique code assigned by the registration authority
1.7. URL of the webpage provided by one of the stock market information distributors in the information and telecommunication network Internet and URL in the Internet whose electronic address includes a domain name title whereto belongs to the issuer.
1.8. Date of an event occurrence (material fact), about which the message was compiled (if applicable)
March 27, 2019
2. Notice content
2.1. The quorum for the meeting of the issuer’s Board of Directors and voting results on the decision-making issues:
The quorum for the meeting of the Board of Directors of PJSC MOESK is present.
Voting results:
On item 1 of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On item 2 of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On item 3 of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On item 4 of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On item 5 of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
2.2. The content of the decisions taken by the issuer’s Board of Directors:
On item 1:
1. To take into consideration the report of the Company's Director on the insurance coverage in the 4th quarter of 2018 in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this decision of the Company's Board of Directors.
2. To note the interruption of Company's voluntary automobile insurance and, as a consequence, the occurrence of additional financial risks for the Company.
3. To note the late submission of the item to the Company's Board of Directors.
4. To instruct the Director General to strengthen the monitoring of compliance with the requirements of the Insurance Coverage Regulation of PJSC Moscow United Electric Grid Company.
On item 2:
1. To approve the decision on the PJSC MOESK's transaction, the subject of which is sponsorship, in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this decision of the Company's Board of Directors.
2. To instruct the Sole Executive body of PJSC MOESK to provide funding for sponsorship without reducing the planned indicators for the financial result and the amount of dividend payments, taking into account the unconditional implementation of the indicator of reducing specific operating expenses (costs) for 2019.
On item 3:
To approve the report on the implementation of the internal audit plan of PJSC MOESK for 2018, including the results of the self-assessment of the quality of the internal audit activities for 2018, as well as the implementation of the action plan for the development and improvement of the company's internal audit activities in 2018 in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this decision of the Company's Board of Directors.
On item 4:
To take into consideration the progress report of the investment projects included in the list of priority object for the 4th quarter of 2018 in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to this decision of the Company's Board of Directors.
On item 5:
1. To approve the organizational structure of the executive office of the Company in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to this decision of the Board of Directors and put it into effect taking into account the terms stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation when changing and terminating employment contracts.
2. From the effective date of the organizational structure of the executive office of the Company to consider invalid the organizational structure of the executive office of the Company, approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of PJSC MOESK dated June 6, 2018 (Minutes No. 357 dated June 6, 2018).
2.3. Date of the issuer’s Board of Directors Meeting where the relevant decisions are taken:
March 27, 2019.
2.4. Date and number of the Minutes of the issuer’s Board of Directors Meeting where the relevant decisions are taken:
March 27, 2019, Minutes No. 382.
3. Signature
3.1. Corporate Secretary, acting in accordance with Power of Attorney No. 77/555-n/77-2018-5-238 dd 15.05.2018
______________ A.N. Svirin
3.2. Date «27» March 2019 year 

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