
1. General information
1.1. Issuer’s full business name
Public Joint Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”
1.2. Issuer’s shortened business name
Moscow United Electric Grid Company PJSC;
1.3. Issuer’s location
Moscow, Russian Federation
1.4. Issuer’s General State Registration Number
1.5. Issuer’s Tax ID
1.6. Issuer’s unique code assigned by the registration authority
1.7. URL of the webpage provided by one of the stock market information distributors in the information and telecommunication network Internet and URL in the Internet whose electronic address includes a domain name title whereto belongs to the issuer.
1.8. Date of an event occurrence (material fact), about which the message was compiled (if applicable)
April 16, 2019
2. Notice content
2. Message Content
April 16, 2019
2.1. Issuer's governing body that approved the document containing the terms of a separate issue (additional issue) of bonds placed under the bond program:
The decision on approval of the Terms of issue of exchange bonds under the Exchange Bond Program was made by the sole executive body of the issuer - General Director of PJSC MOESK on April 16, 2019 (Order No. 408 of April 16, 2019).
2.2. The date of the decision to approve a document containing the terms of a separate issue (additional issue) of bonds placed under the bond program, and if such a decision is made by a collegial management body (general meeting of shareholders (participants), the board of directors (supervisory board), a collegial executive body) of the issuer - the date and place of the meeting (s), the date of preparation and the number of the minutes of the meeting (session) of the authorized management body of the issuer, which adopted the Addressing the quorum and results of voting on the adoption of the said decision:
April 16, 2019.
2.3. The type of securities (bonds), as well as, if available, the series and other identification signs of bonds placed under the bond program:
exchangeable documentary interest non-convertible bearer to bearer with obligatory centralized storage of the 001P-01 series, placed by public subscription in the framework of the exchange bonds program, identification number 4-65116-D-001P-02E dated February 08, 2017, assigned by the PJSC Moscow Exchange ( - Exchange bonds), the identification number of the issue and the international securities identification number (ISIN):
not assigned at the date of disclosure.
2.4. The number of bonds to be placed and the nominal value of each bond being placed in an issue (additional issue):
8,000,000 (Eight million) units with a nominal value of 1,000 (One thousand) rubles each.
2.5. The method of bonds placement, and in the case of placement of bonds through a closed subscription - also the circle of potential purchasers of bonds:
Open subscription.
2.6. The placement price of bonds placed by subscription, or the procedure for determining it or information that the specified price or procedure for determining it will be established by the issuer's authorized management body after the state registration of the issue (additional issue) of bonds (assignment to an issue (additional issue) of exchange bonds ) and no later than the start date of their placement:
The placement price of the Exchange bonds is set equal to 100% of the nominal value of the Exchange bond.
Starting from the 2nd (Second) day of placement of Exchange-traded bonds, the buyer, when acquiring Exchange-traded bonds, also pays accrued coupon income (ACI) on Exchange-traded bonds, calculated using the following formula:
ACI = Nom * Cj * (T – T(j-1)) / 365 / 100%, where.
ACI - accrued coupon income in Russian rubles;
Nom - the outstanding portion of the nominal value of one Exchange-traded bond, in Russian rubles;
j - is the ordinal number of the coupon period, j = 1,2, ., n;
C j - the interest rate of the j-th coupon, in percent per annum;
T - is the date of placement of the Exchange bonds;
T (j-1) - is the date of commencement of the j-th coupon period when the placement of Exchange Traded Bonds falls.
ACI is calculated to the second decimal place (the second decimal point is rounded according to the rules of mathematical rounding:
if the third decimal is greater than or equal to 5, the second decimal is increased by one, if the third decimal is less than 5, the second decimal does not change).
2.7. The term of placement of bonds or the procedure for determining it:
Start date of placement of exchange bonds:
The start date of placement of Exchange Traded Bonds is determined by the Issuer's sole executive body not later than 1 (One) day prior to the commencement date of placement of Exchange Traded Bonds.
The information on the date of the placement of the Commercial Bonds determined by the Issuer is published by the Issuer in the manner and time specified in clause 11 of the Program. The date of commencement of the placement of the Exchange bonds is established by the Issuer in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
End date of placement or the procedure for determining it.
The end date of the Exchange bonds placement is the earliest of the following dates:
a) the 3rd (Third) business day from the date of commencement of the placement of Exchange Traded Bonds;
b) the date of placement of the last Exchange bond issue.
Issue of Exchange bonds is not supposed to be placed in tranches.
Other information to be specified in this clause is indicated in clause 8.2 of the program of exchange bonds.
2.8. The maturity of the bonds or the procedure for determining it:
1,274 (One thousand two hundred seventy-fourth) day from the date of commencement of the placement of the Exchange-traded bond.
2.9. The fact of registration or presentation to the exchange (absence of registration or presentation to the exchange) of the bonds prospectus simultaneously with the state registration of the bond program or submission of documents for assigning an identification number to the program of exchange bonds:
the exchange was provided with a securities prospectus at the stage of assigning an identification number to the Program of Exchange Bonds.
2.10. If an issue (additional issue) of bonds placed under a bond program is subject to state registration and bonds admitted (accepted) to organized trading are placed by open subscription with their payment in money or securities admitted to organized trading, information on the issuer's intention to submit to the registering body after completion of the placement of such bonds a report on the results of the issue (additional issue) of securities or a notice on the results of the issue (additional issue) valuable papers:
not applicable to Exchange bonds.
2.11. If the prospectus registration of the bonds simultaneously with the state registration of the bond program (the exchange bond prospectus is submitted to the exchange simultaneously with the submission of documents for assignment of the identification number to the exchange bonds program), the registration of bonds issued as part of the bond program is expected (presentation to the exchange) of the prospectus of such bonds, - information about the specified circumstance:
The Exchange was provided with the Prospectus of securities at the stage of assigning an identification number to the Exchange Notes Program.
3. Signature
3.1. Corporate Secretary, acting in accordance with Power of Attorney No. 77/555-n/77-2018-5-238 dd 15.05.2018
______________ A.N. Svirin
3.2. Date «16» April 2019 year

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