
1. General information
1.1. Issuer’s full business name
Public Joint Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”
1.2. Issuer’s shortened business name
Moscow United Electric Grid Company PJSC;
1.3. Issuer’s location
Moscow, Russian Federation
1.4. Issuer’s General State Registration Number
1.5. Issuer’s Tax ID
1.6. Issuer’s unique code assigned by the registration authority
1.7. URL of the webpage provided by one of the stock market information distributors in the information and telecommunication network Internet and URL in the Internet whose electronic address includes a domain name title whereto belongs to the issuer.
1.8. Date of an event occurrence (material fact), about which the message was compiled (if applicable)
November 12, 2018
2. Notice content
2. Statement content
2.1. The quorum for the meeting of the issuer’s Board of Directors and voting results on the decision-making issues:
The quorum for the meeting of the Board of Directors of PJSC “MOESK” is available.
Voting results:
On the first item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On the second item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On the third item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On the fourth item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On the fifth item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On the sixth item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On the seventh item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On the eighth item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On the nineth item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On the tenth item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Board of Directors participating the meeting.
On the eleventh item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On the twelfth item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On the thirteenth item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On the fourteenth item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On the fifteenth item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
On the sixteenth item of the agenda:
The decision was taken by the majority of votes participating in the meeting.
2.2. The content of the decisions, taken by the issuer’s Board of Directors:
On the first item:
To approve the budget of the Reliability Committee of the Board of Directors of PJSC “MOESK” for the 2nd half of 2018 in accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Board of Directors of the Company.
On the second item:
To approve the Methodological Guidelines to determine the power reserves at main substantions of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” in accordance with Appendix No. 2 of the Board of Directors of the Company.
On the third item:
To agree on the candidacy of Bitney Dmitry Leonidovich for the post of Director of the branch of PJSC “MOESK” “Western Electric Networks”.
On the fourth item:
1. To take into consideration the Report on the execution of the Schedule for the implementation of overdue contracts on the implementation of technological connection to the power grids for the 2nd quarter of 2018 in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
2. To mark the lag of PJSC “MOESK” behind the target indicators of the Schedule for the implementation of overdue contracts on the implementation of technological connection.
3. To entrust the Director General of PJSC “MOESK” to ensure the unconditional fulfillment of the target indicators of the Schedule for the implementation of overdue contracts on the implementation of technological connection for the year 2018.
On the fifth item:
To take into consideration the Report on the implementation progress of the investment projects included in the list of priority object for the 2nd quarter of 2018 in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
On the sixth item:
1) In accordance with the Rules of Listing of PJSC “Moscow Exchange” and by virtue of art. 109-110 of the Corporate Governance Code of the Bank of Russia, guided by the well-reasoned justification in accordance with supplement No. 5 to this decision of the Company’s Board of Directors, despite the presence of formal criteria of connectivity of the member of the Board of Directors with the substantial shareholder of PJSC “MOESK”, as such connectivity, with regard to the professional experience, expertise, and business reputation, attesting to his ability to individually formulate the independent position, doesn’t affect his ability to give the independent, unbiased and responsible opinions, to declare Logovinsky Evgeniy Iliych an individual member of the Board of Directors of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”;
2) In accordance with the rules of listing of PJSC “Moscow Exchange” and by virtue of art. 109-110 of the Corporate Governance Code of the Bank of Russia, guided by the well-reasoned justification in accordance with supplement No.16 to this decision of the Company’s Board of Directors, despite the presence of formal criteria of connectivity of the member of the Board of Directors with the substantial shareholder of PJSC “MOESK” and the state, as such connectivity, with regard to the professional experience, expertise, and business reputation, attesting to his ability to individually formulate the independent position, doesn’t affect his ability to give the independent, unbiased and responsible opinions, to declare Nikitin Sergey Alexandrovich an individual member of the Board of Directors of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”.
On the seventh item:
In accordance with clause 4.3.3 of the provisions on material incentives for PJSC “MOESK” Director General of the Company to pay a single premium to General Director P.A. Sinyutin in accordance with Annex No. 7 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company for the fulfillment of an important mission - the organization of works on reliable and high-quality power supply to the facilities of the FIFA World Cup 2018.
On the eighth item:
To approve the Report on the implementation of key performance indicators (KPI) for the 4th quarter of 2017 of the Director General of PJSC “MOESK” in accordance with Appendix No. 8 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
On the nineth item:
1. To take into the consideration the Report of the Director General of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” on the implementation of decisions of the Board of Directors of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” in accordance with Appendix No. 9 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
2. To recognize as invalid the decisions of the Board of Directors of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” in accordance with Appendix No. 10 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
3. To instruct the Director General:
3.1. to ensure strict compliance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1352 as of December 11, 2014 with regard to the payment terms of contracts concluded by customers with small and medium-sized entities including with regard to ensuring the adjustment of scheduled payment terms in the event of early execution and acceptance of goods, works, services by the Company (no more than 30 calendar days since the acceptance of goods (works, services).
3.2. to exclude cases of non-fulfillment of instructions of the Board of Directors of the Company within the period set in decisions of the Board of Directors of the Company.
On the tenth item:
1. To instruct the representatives of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Plant RETO” on the item of the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Plant RETO”:
“On early termination of the powers of members of the Audit Commission and election of members of the Audit Commission of JSC “Plant RETO” vote “FOR” the adoption of the following decision:
To early terminate the powers of all members of the Audit Commission and elect the Audit Commission of JSC “Plant RETO” in the following composition:

No. Full Name of the candidate The position of the candidate at the time of nomination
1. Kirienko .
Chief Expert of the Business Process Audit Department of the Internal Audit Department of PJSC “MOESK”
2. Karamushko.
Chief Expert of the Business Process Audit Department of the Internal Audit Department of PJSC “MOESK”
3. Markin .
Pavel .
Chief expert of the Economic security and corruption counteraction Department of PJSC “MOESK”
2. To instruct the representatives of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “MOESK – Engineering” on the item of the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Plant RETO”:
“On early termination of the powers of members of the Audit Commission and election of members of the Audit Commission of JSC “MOESK – Engineering” vote “FOR” the adoption of the following decision:
To early terminate the powers of all members of the Audit Commission and elect the Audit Commission of JSC “MOESK – Engineering” in the following composition:

No. Full Name of the candidate The position of the candidate at the time of nomination
1. Kirienko .
Chief Expert of the Business Process Audit Department of the Internal Audit Department of PJSC “MOESK”
2. Karamushko.
Chief Expert of the Business Process Audit Department of the Internal Audit Department of PJSC “MOESK”
3. Gavrilova.
Tatyana Alexeevna
Chief expert of the Economic security and corruption counteraction Department of PJSC “MOESK”
3. To instruct the representatives of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Energosentr” on the item of the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of .
JSC “Energosentr”:
“On early termination of the powers of members of the Audit Commission and election of members of the Audit Commission of JSC “Energosentr” vote “FOR” the adoption of the following decision:
To early terminate the powers of all members of the Audit Commission and elect the Audit Commission of JSC “Energosentr” in the following composition:

No. Full Name of the candidate The position of the candidate at the time of nomination
1. Kamardina.
Head of the Business Processes Auditof the Internal Audit Department of PJSC “MOESK”
2. Kirienko .
Chief Expert of the Business Process Audit Department of the Internal Audit Department of PJSC “MOESK”
3. Kovaleva Veronika Evgenievna Leading expert of the control and monitoring department of PJSC “MOESK”
On the eleventh item:
1. To approve the Regulations for the placement of temporarily free funds of PJSC “MOESK” in a new edition in accordance with Appendix No. 11 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
2. To recognize as invalid the Regulations for the placement of temporarily free funds of PJSC “MOESK”, approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company of June 21, 2014 (Protocol No. 233 of June 23, 2014), as amended, approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of October 06, 2014 (Protocol of 10/09/2014 № 242).
On the twelfth item:
1. To approve the Regulations for payments of PJSC “MOESK” in a new edition in accordance with Appendix No. 12 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
2. The Regulations for payments of PJSC “MOESK” approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company dated May 19, 2017 (Protocol No. 05 of May 22, 2017) shall be considered invalid.
On the thirteenth item:
1. To take into consideration the report on the implementation of the business plan of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” for the 1st half of 2018 in accordance with Appendix No. 13 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
2. To mark the deviation of the actual financial and economic indicators from the approved business plan and the significant change in the assessment of the key operational risks for 2018 in accordance with Appendix No. 14 to this decision of the Company's Board of Directors.
3. To instruct the Director General of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” to ensure the implementation of additional measures to prevent the implementation of key operational risks in 2018.
On the fourteenth item:
1. To take into consideration the report on the results of the implementation of the investment program of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” for the 1st half of 2018 in accordance with Appendix No. 15 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
2. To note information on the results of the implementation of the investment program of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” for the 1st half of 2018 in accordance with Appendix No. 16 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
3. To instruct the Director General of the Company to ensure that the planned parameters of the investment program in 2018 are not exceeded.
On the fifteenth item:
To take into consideration the report on the implementation of the consolidated business plan of the Group of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” for the 1st half of 2018 in accordance with Appendices No. 17, 18 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company on the basis of RAS and consolidated on the principles of IFRS.
On the sixteenth item:
1. To terminate the powers of the following members of the Strategy and Development Committee under the Board of Directors of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”:
- Lebedev Sergey Yuryevich - Chairman of the Strategy and Development Committee under the Board of Directors of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”;
- Akopyan Dmitriy Borisovich.
2. To elect the following candidates to the Strategy and Development Committee under the Board of Directors of PJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”:
- Olkhovich Evgeny Alexandrovich - Deputy Director General for Strategic Development, PJSC “Rosseti”;
- Podlutsky Sergey Vasilyevich - Acting Director of Investment Activity Department, PJSC “Rosseti”.
3. To elect Olkhovich Evgeny Alexandrovich as the Chairman of the Strategy and Development Committee under the Board of Directors of PJSC “MOESK”.2.3. Date of the issuer’s Board of Directors Meeting, at which the relevant decisions were adopted:
November 9, 2018.
2.4. Date and number of the Protocol of the issuer’s Board of Directors Meeting, at which the relevant decisions were adopted:
November 12, 2018, Protocol No. 368.
3. Signature
3.1. Corporate Secretary, acting in accordance with Power of Attorney No. 77/555-n/77-2018-5-238 dd 15.05.2018
______________ A.N. Svirin
3.2. Date «12» November 2018 year 

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