
1. General information
1.1. Issuer’s full business name
Public Joint Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”
1.2. Issuer’s shortened business name
Moscow United Electric Grid Company PJSC;
1.3. Issuer’s location
Moscow, Russian Federation
1.4. Issuer’s General State Registration Number
1.5. Issuer’s Tax ID
1.6. Issuer’s unique code assigned by the registration authority
1.7. URL of the webpage provided by one of the stock market information distributors in the information and telecommunication network Internet and URL in the Internet whose electronic address includes a domain name title whereto belongs to the issuer.
2. Notice content
2.1. Quorum of the meeting of the issuer's Board of Directors and results of voting on the issues of decision-making:
The quorum for the meeting of the Board of Directors of PJSC "MOESK" is available.
Results of voting:

On issue 1 of the agenda:
The decision was adopted by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors participating in the meeting.

On issue 2 of the agenda:
The decision was adopted by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors participating in the meeting.
2.2. Content of decisions taken by the Board of Directors of the issuer:
On issue 1:
1. To approve the scheduled plan of the activities of PJSC "MOESK" on reduce of arrears for services rendered for the transmission of electric power and resolve the differences that have developed as of 01.01.2018, in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
2. To take into consideration the report on the fulfillment of the scheduled plan of the activities of PJSC "MOESK" earlier approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on reduce the overdue accounts receivable for services rendered for electricity transmission and settlement of disputes that occurred as of 01.10.2017 in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
3. To take into account the report on the work carried out by PJSC "MOESK" in the 4th quarter of 2017 regarding the newly formed overdue debts for services rendered for the transmission of electric power in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
4. To take into consideration the report on the repayment of overdue accounts receivable for 12 months of 2017 for the rendered services on electric power transmission established as of 01.01.2017 in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
5. To consider to be executed the instructions of the Board of Directors dated March 28, 2017 (Minutes No. 312 of March 30, 2017) (clause 5.1.) on the issue:
"On approval of the scheduled plan of the activities of PJSC" Moscow United Electric Grid Company " on reduce overdue accounts receivable for services on the transfer of electric power and the settlement of the disagreements that occurred as of January 1, 2017".
6. To instruct the sole executive body of the Company:
6.1. To ensure repayment in 2018 of 2,838 million rubles of overdue accounts receivable out of the amount established as of 01.01.2018, including 194 million rubles in the first quarter of 2018, 490 million rubles in the second quarter of 2018, 673 million rubles in III quarter of 2018, 1,482 million rubles in the fourth quarter of 2018.
6.2. To provide a quarterly presentation of information under this issue on the progress of the execution of the instruction specified in clause 6.1. of the present decision.

On issue 2:
1. To approve the budget of the Strategy and Development Committee under the Board of Directors of PJSC "MOESK" for the first half of 2018 in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
2. To approve the budget of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of PJSC "MOESK" for the first half of 2018 in accordance with Appendix No. 6 to this decision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
2.3. Date of the meeting of the issuer's Board of Directors at which the relevant decisions were adopted:
29 March 2018 г.
2.4. The date of compliance and the number of the minutes of the meeting of the issuer's board of directors at which the relevant decisions were adopted:
29 March 2018, Minutes №349.
3. Signature
3.1. Deputy director of the corporate
governance and shareholder relations department
acting on basis of Power of Attorney №2-2338 dated 08 Jule, 2016
______________ A.N. Svirin
3.2. Date «29» March 2018 year

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